Life’s nothing but a journey where

To taste the sweetness of Life, you must have the power to forget the bitterness of past.
Life gives chance to everyone, we just have to wait for our turn.
Life is like a mirror. If you frown at it, it frowns back. If you smile at it, it returns the greeting.
Unbeatable Message: What’s Longer than Mother’s Love? What’s Lovely than sister Fight? Which Pillow is better than lover’s lap? What’s Warmer than dad’s Hug? What’s Sweeter than a Baby’s kiss? What’s Tastier than Mom’s Cooking? What’s stronger than Friends shoulders? Ans: There is no substitute for these things. Never Miss them in Life.. !
Once In Life, Do fall in Love, Not necesarly with a Person, But With an Idea, A Dream, An Ambition… More often It will be a Reason To wake up with a Smile.. !
Two Words from Sanskrit, that are Strikingly similar. CHITA and CHINTAOne Burns the Dead and the other Burns the Living. Have a STRESS free Life…..
To taste the sweetness of Life, you must have the power to forget the bitterness of past.
Life gives chance to everyone, we just have to wait for our turn.
Life is like a mirror. If you frown at it, it frowns back. If you smile at it, it returns the greeting.
Unbeatable Message: What’s Longer than Mother’s Love? What’s Lovely than sister Fight? Which Pillow is better than lover’s lap? What’s Warmer than dad’s Hug? What’s Sweeter than a Baby’s kiss? What’s Tastier than Mom’s Cooking? What’s stronger than Friends shoulders? Ans: There is no substitute for these things. Never Miss them in Life.. !
Once In Life, Do fall in Love, Not necesarly with a Person, But With an Idea, A Dream, An Ambition… More often It will be a Reason To wake up with a Smile.. !
Two Words from Sanskrit, that are Strikingly similar. CHITA and CHINTAOne Burns the Dead and the other Burns the Living. Have a STRESS free Life…..
To taste the sweetness of Life, you must have the power to forget the bitterness of past.
Life gives chance to everyone, we just have to wait for our turn.