The permanent temptation of life

Always carry some madness in your life because that is the only thing that can keep your innocence alive!
Thought for the life: ‘Dont decrease your goal to the extent of your ability. Increase your ability to the extent of your goal’…
Life is like a clay… It is upto you to mould it into any form you desire……
Life is a one time offer. So always use it well!
Art of Living: -If life throws lemons at you, DON’T make a lemonade out of it. Rather…. Ask for tequila & salt. Think different… Think better!!
By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.
Always carry some madness in your life because that is the only thing that can keep your innocence alive!
Thought for the life: ‘Dont decrease your goal to the extent of your ability. Increase your ability to the extent of your goal’…
Life is like a clay… It is upto you to mould it into any form you desire……
Life is a one time offer. So always use it well!
Art of Living: -If life throws lemons at you, DON’T make a lemonade out of it. Rather…. Ask for tequila & salt. Think different… Think better!!
By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.
Always carry some madness in your life because that is the only thing that can keep your innocence alive!
Thought for the life: ‘Dont decrease your goal to the extent of your ability. Increase your ability to the extent of your goal’…