To find what you seek in the road

Letting go of your old self and the process of letting the new you emerge can be one of the scariest experiences in your life. But by leaving behind your old self and taking a leap of faith into the unknown, it might just reveal what you are truly capable of becoming.
God is always playing chess with usHe makes a move in our life and thenSits back to see how we react to the CHALLENGE. So make the best efforts
friendship begins in small age love begins at middle age friendship has a longer age love has a shorter age
Life itself cannot give us happiness unless we rally wish for it. Life just give us time and space . Its up to , how we fill with great moments..
don’t expect the wind blowing in their direction, or chase the wind. Life is within you and live this day is the best you can do.
Two Words from Sanskrit, that are Strikingly similar. CHITA and CHINTAOne Burns the Dead and the other Burns the Living. Have a STRESS free Life…..
Letting go of your old self and the process of letting the new you emerge can be one of the scariest experiences in your life. But by leaving behind your old self and taking a leap of faith into the unknown, it might just reveal what you are truly capable of becoming.
God is always playing chess with usHe makes a move in our life and thenSits back to see how we react to the CHALLENGE. So make the best efforts
friendship begins in small age love begins at middle age friendship has a longer age love has a shorter age
Life itself cannot give us happiness unless we rally wish for it. Life just give us time and space . Its up to , how we fill with great moments..
don’t expect the wind blowing in their direction, or chase the wind. Life is within you and live this day is the best you can do.
Two Words from Sanskrit, that are Strikingly similar. CHITA and CHINTAOne Burns the Dead and the other Burns the Living. Have a STRESS free Life…..
Letting go of your old self and the process of letting the new you emerge can be one of the scariest experiences in your life. But by leaving behind your old self and taking a leap of faith into the unknown, it might just reveal what you are truly capable of becoming.
God is always playing chess with usHe makes a move in our life and thenSits back to see how we react to the CHALLENGE. So make the best efforts