Living why should we stop loving

The enemies of love are timidness and selfishness. Defeat them to become a true lover.
Cute Romantic Lines Girl: Promise me you will ask me to marry you one day? Boy: Only on one condition. Girl: What? Boy: Promise me you will say Yes.. !
Do not find love, let love find you. That’s why it’s called falling in love, because you do not force yourself to fall; You just fall.
Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring. So dream hope and love… Makes Life Beautiful
Stop waiting for a better day to come . Live in the moment and enjoy it and today will become the day you have been waiting for. Have a Nice Day!
The enemies of love are timidness and selfishness. Defeat them to become a true lover.
Cute Romantic Lines Girl: Promise me you will ask me to marry you one day? Boy: Only on one condition. Girl: What? Boy: Promise me you will say Yes.. !
Do not find love, let love find you. That’s why it’s called falling in love, because you do not force yourself to fall; You just fall.
Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring. So dream hope and love… Makes Life Beautiful
Stop waiting for a better day to come . Live in the moment and enjoy it and today will become the day you have been waiting for. Have a Nice Day!
The enemies of love are timidness and selfishness. Defeat them to become a true lover.
Cute Romantic Lines Girl: Promise me you will ask me to marry you one day? Boy: Only on one condition. Girl: What? Boy: Promise me you will say Yes.. !