A true friend is an angle

Every new day is a new chance to shine, A new chance to reach the sky. So, I give you the new day, Today, the morning will give you the wings to fly.
True friends are like diamond when you hit them they do not break, they only slip away from your life.
Friendship is not about whom you have known longest who came first or who care the best, its all about who came and never left.
Life can give us a number of beautiful friends; But only true friends can give us a beautiful life. Thanks for being my friend!
Friends are like blood. They have RBCs; That bring color to life. Platelets; That hold us when we are down. WBCs; which fight for us Thanks for being my Bloody Friend!
Make your life a house your heart can live in. With a door that is open to receive friends. And a garden full of memories… of many good things.