Love is when you do not want to go

‘ SLEEP’ S- Say Thanx To The God. L- Lying On The God. E-eye Closed Slowly. E- End Of The Day. P-plan For The Next Day.
Night is the essence of pride, For i will be dreaming of my to be bride, sweetdreams and goodnight is wished, For she will never know how much she is missed.
Once a 5 year old asked her big brother, ‘What is love? ‘ He replied, ‘Love is when you steal my chocolate from my school pack everyday, and I still keep it in the same place! ‘
Love is strong yet delicate It can be broken To truly love is to understand this To be in love is to respect this
Relationships are not about ‘I want this’ or ‘ I want that’. They are about two people caring for the other is desires.
The enemies of love are timidness and selfishness. Defeat them to become a true lover.
‘ SLEEP’ S- Say Thanx To The God. L- Lying On The God. E-eye Closed Slowly. E- End Of The Day. P-plan For The Next Day.
Night is the essence of pride, For i will be dreaming of my to be bride, sweetdreams and goodnight is wished, For she will never know how much she is missed.
Once a 5 year old asked her big brother, ‘What is love? ‘ He replied, ‘Love is when you steal my chocolate from my school pack everyday, and I still keep it in the same place! ‘
Love is strong yet delicate It can be broken To truly love is to understand this To be in love is to respect this
Relationships are not about ‘I want this’ or ‘ I want that’. They are about two people caring for the other is desires.
The enemies of love are timidness and selfishness. Defeat them to become a true lover.
‘ SLEEP’ S- Say Thanx To The God. L- Lying On The God. E-eye Closed Slowly. E- End Of The Day. P-plan For The Next Day.
Night is the essence of pride, For i will be dreaming of my to be bride, sweetdreams and goodnight is wished, For she will never know how much she is missed.