There is a warmth in my heart

I Am Not A Writer, But I Have Written Our Love Story. I Am Not A Poet, But I Wrote For You A Poem. I Am Not A Singer, But I Sing A Love Song For You. I Am Not A Dancer, But I Dance With You In The Rain. I Am Not A Painter,…
You Make Me Laugh. You are Smart. You are Different. You are A Little Crazy, And Awkward, And Your Smile Alone Can Make My Whole Day
When I pray I don’t see God, but I know He listens. Similarly, when I SMS you, I don’t see you; But I know you think of me and smile!
Love is not something to be chased. It is something you surrender to!
Love is the fart Of every heart. For when held in, Doth pain thy host. But when let out, Pains others most.
A Heart Truly In Love, Never Loses Hope But, Always Believes In The Promise Of Love, No Matter How Long The Time, How Confusing The Circumstances And How Far The Distance.