Every Tear is a sign

For men who believe their wives don’t do much the whole day, guys it’s a tough job updating your ‘Facebook’ status every hour. Respect women!
Teacher: Tomorrow there will be a lecture on Sun. Everyone must attend it. Raju: No! I will not be able to attend it. Teacher: Why? Raju: My mother will not allow me to go so far !!
I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit.
Un twirling the twine that un twisteth between, He twirls, with his twister, the two in a twine; Then twice having twisted the twines of the twine, He twitcheth the twice he had twined in twain.
It was Women’s day yesterday. . . . . . Most of the married men were wondering what are the other 364 days called then?
Men hang out in bars for one of two reasons: Either they have no wife to go home to, or they do. : p
For men who believe their wives don’t do much the whole day, guys it’s a tough job updating your ‘Facebook’ status every hour. Respect women!
Teacher: Tomorrow there will be a lecture on Sun. Everyone must attend it. Raju: No! I will not be able to attend it. Teacher: Why? Raju: My mother will not allow me to go so far !!
I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit.
Un twirling the twine that un twisteth between, He twirls, with his twister, the two in a twine; Then twice having twisted the twines of the twine, He twitcheth the twice he had twined in twain.
It was Women’s day yesterday. . . . . . Most of the married men were wondering what are the other 364 days called then?
Men hang out in bars for one of two reasons: Either they have no wife to go home to, or they do. : p
For men who believe their wives don’t do much the whole day, guys it’s a tough job updating your ‘Facebook’ status every hour. Respect women!
Teacher: Tomorrow there will be a lecture on Sun. Everyone must attend it. Raju: No! I will not be able to attend it. Teacher: Why? Raju: My mother will not allow me to go so far !!