Miss you dear

Life can give us a lot of beautiful persons but only one person is enough for a beautiful life! Dear friend, I am proud to have you as as that one person!
As you start another day, It is my prayer that God may open the door & Windows of heaven And pour blessings after Blessings upon you… My dEar good morning & Have a wonderful day!
Will you smile if I ask you to? Will you come if I call you? Will you understand if I am unable to express? Will you add a ‘Too’ if I say I Miss you?
I may not say it always – but your absence makes me miss you. Love you always!
All those years ago, my dear You made my world complete You became my perfect partner in life And you have been a world-class treat!
My Heart Beats So Fast My Love Is In The Past But Now I Want You Back Because I Miss You So The Days Go By So Very Slowly And I Am Very Lonely