A man’s silence can break

Some People Accidently Walk on your Feet and Apologize… While some People Walk all Over your Heart and do not even Realize.. !
A man in God’s shop: Man: What do you sell? God: Whatever your heart desires. Man: I want success and happiness. God smiles and says: I sell only seeds, not fruits!
Love is the fart Of every heart. For when held in, Doth pain thy host. But when let out, Pains others most.
Sometimes my mind asks.. Why I miss you? Why I care for you? Why I remember You? .. Then my Heart answered it’s simple… BEACUSE FOOL NEEDS MORE CARE!!
Relationships are like roller coasters. Not because they go up and down, but sometimes they leave you in the dark and can be scary as shit!
Relation are not an Exam to Pass or Fail, or its not a Competition to Win or Lose. Its a Feeling You Care for Someone More than Yourself.