Two rules for peaceful life
Two rules for peaceful life: Depression in failure should never go to heart, and ego in success should never go to brain Good Morning!
Two rules for peaceful life: Depression in failure should never go to heart, and ego in success should never go to brain Good Morning!
Today’s Morning is a GIFT Pack of NATURAL Beauty, to Convert our Life into a PEACEFUL and a BLESSFUL. Have a NICE Day. Good Morning!
The world is full of beauty when your heart is full of love. So start and end your day with love and smile in your heart. Have a peaceful day.
The night is designed to end the worries and fears of the day, it signifies to leave it all to God and prepare for another day to come. Have a peaceful night and a blessed tomorrow!
Women live a better, longer and peaceful life.. !! Why? Very simple… A woman does not have a wife.. !!!
A man’s silence can break a woman’s heart into a thousand pieces while a woman’s silence can give a man a thousand moments of peace!
Night is a lovely gift by God to us to review our daily performances. Let’s cherish our good deeds and learn from our bad experiences to face the next day with all the vigour and energy. Have a peaceful night!
While going through bad times in life and wondering where the God is, just remember; ‘Teacher Is Always Quiet During Tests’. Have a peaceful night!
little drop of water will make ocean little drop of love will make happy little drop of care will make a peaceful world little drop of hate will take a life
I Wish You Well, I Wish You Peace, I Wish You Love, I Wish You True, But The Most I Wish For Is A Wonderful Life For You! Warm Birthday Greetings!