I have all ways made mistakes

I am sorry may not mean that much to you, but it means a lifetime of our relationship to me ! Please forgive me ?
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Love yourself and be proud of everything you do. Mistakes mean you are trying!
There’s one sad truth in life I have found While journeying east and west – The only folks we really wound Are those we love the best. We flatter those we scarcely know, We please the fleeting guest, And deal full many a thoughtless blow To those who love us best.
It takes a second to make a mistake, but a lifetime to try and forget it was your fault.
Remember The Good Times We Had Spent Together, And The Beautiful Future We Had Dreamy Of… Darling I Never Wanted To Create A Distance Between Us… Please Let Us Bridge The Gaps…
My lies have caused a lot of pain. I promise to never do it again. All I want is to see you smile forever and ever not just for a while. I AM SORRY…
I am sorry may not mean that much to you, but it means a lifetime of our relationship to me ! Please forgive me ?
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Love yourself and be proud of everything you do. Mistakes mean you are trying!
There’s one sad truth in life I have found While journeying east and west – The only folks we really wound Are those we love the best. We flatter those we scarcely know, We please the fleeting guest, And deal full many a thoughtless blow To those who love us best.
It takes a second to make a mistake, but a lifetime to try and forget it was your fault.
Remember The Good Times We Had Spent Together, And The Beautiful Future We Had Dreamy Of… Darling I Never Wanted To Create A Distance Between Us… Please Let Us Bridge The Gaps…
My lies have caused a lot of pain. I promise to never do it again. All I want is to see you smile forever and ever not just for a while. I AM SORRY…
I am sorry may not mean that much to you, but it means a lifetime of our relationship to me ! Please forgive me ?
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Love yourself and be proud of everything you do. Mistakes mean you are trying!