Smile Is Electricity
Smile Is Electricity And Life Is Battery. Whenever You Smile The Battery Gets Charged And A Beautiful Day Is Activated. So Keep Smiling. Have A Great Day
Smile Is Electricity And Life Is Battery. Whenever You Smile The Battery Gets Charged And A Beautiful Day Is Activated. So Keep Smiling. Have A Great Day
My biggest hope is to see your smile and to know that you are happy. I know life is sometimes cruel but that is why I am here for you to show that life can be good when somebody cares!
There’s no special reason for this message… I just wanna steal a single moment out of your busy life and hope I can make you smile and say: I miss you!
Let the light of the day rise in your heart. Let the joy of the morning be seen in your smile. And God’s graces be your today and everyday. Good Morning!
all of the ways in our life having troubles but smile is the only way of cleaning them so always smile
A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have!
A single lovable smile is a proper key for many solutions and many confusions… ! ‘ ‘So express your cute smile every moment
I Want To Be The Reason Why You Smile Every Morning, I Want To Be The Reason For The Happiness In Your Heart, The Spring In Your Step And The Song On Your Lips. Have A Great Day Ahead!
A cup of a very hot hellos, a plate of a nice crispy wishes, a spoon of sweet smiles & a slice of awesome success. Hope this breakfast makes your day lovely. Have a nice day.
You are such a special Friend, Who deserves a special day, For being who you are and Bringing joy in every way. You make us smile and laugh, With everything you do, So today we get to send a special Birthday wish to you!