When you are content to be simply yourself

When a girl is alone, it’s not an opportunity, it’s a responsibility!
‘Walking’ is the best exercise… ‘Walk Away’ from arguments that lead you to nowhere but anger. ‘Walk Away’ from people who deliberately put you down. ‘Walk Away’ from any thought that reduces your worth. Walk Away’ from failures and fears that stifle your dreams. The more you ‘Walk Away’ from things that poison your soul,…
It is not that Roses have Thorns; It’s that Thorns have Roses. Always think differently!
The only way you can respect your dream is to get out of bed and do something about it. Good Morning!!!!
Never hold your head high with pride or ego. Remember… Even the winner of a Gold Medal gets the medal only when he puts his head down!
If you can not see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror – look a little closer and stare a little longer!
When a girl is alone, it’s not an opportunity, it’s a responsibility!
‘Walking’ is the best exercise… ‘Walk Away’ from arguments that lead you to nowhere but anger. ‘Walk Away’ from people who deliberately put you down. ‘Walk Away’ from any thought that reduces your worth. Walk Away’ from failures and fears that stifle your dreams. The more you ‘Walk Away’ from things that poison your soul,…
It is not that Roses have Thorns; It’s that Thorns have Roses. Always think differently!
The only way you can respect your dream is to get out of bed and do something about it. Good Morning!!!!
Never hold your head high with pride or ego. Remember… Even the winner of a Gold Medal gets the medal only when he puts his head down!
If you can not see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror – look a little closer and stare a little longer!
When a girl is alone, it’s not an opportunity, it’s a responsibility!
‘Walking’ is the best exercise… ‘Walk Away’ from arguments that lead you to nowhere but anger. ‘Walk Away’ from people who deliberately put you down. ‘Walk Away’ from any thought that reduces your worth. Walk Away’ from failures and fears that stifle your dreams. The more you ‘Walk Away’ from things that poison your soul,…