A brother is a friend for life
I wish people would be honest and say… ‘Hey.. ! I am coming into Your Life but I have No Intentions of Staying Long, So don’t Get To Attached’.. !
All those years ago, my dear You made my world complete You became my perfect partner in life And you have been a world-class treat!
The definition of a perfect Wife – one who helps the husband with the dishes…
Deep relationships are NOT built by forcing others to understand YOU, But by giving them the confidence that YOU HAVE UNDERSTOOD THEM…
Relationship is just like water. No Size No Shape No Place No Taste But it’s essential for life. So save it forever.
Sometimes all you need is a little bit of strength but lots of patience to get through relationship.
I wish people would be honest and say… ‘Hey.. ! I am coming into Your Life but I have No Intentions of Staying Long, So don’t Get To Attached’.. !
All those years ago, my dear You made my world complete You became my perfect partner in life And you have been a world-class treat!
The definition of a perfect Wife – one who helps the husband with the dishes…
Deep relationships are NOT built by forcing others to understand YOU, But by giving them the confidence that YOU HAVE UNDERSTOOD THEM…
Relationship is just like water. No Size No Shape No Place No Taste But it’s essential for life. So save it forever.
Sometimes all you need is a little bit of strength but lots of patience to get through relationship.
I wish people would be honest and say… ‘Hey.. ! I am coming into Your Life but I have No Intentions of Staying Long, So don’t Get To Attached’.. !
All those years ago, my dear You made my world complete You became my perfect partner in life And you have been a world-class treat!