Temper and Self Confidence

A man is not finishedwhen he is defeated. He is finished when he QUITS. So never QUIT becausewinners never quitand quitters never Win.
Life is at its weakest When There’s more Doubt than trust But Life is at its strongest When you learn How to trust In spite of The doubts…
Commitment does not mean sticking to a person when you do not have any option, it means keeping a relation with someone even though you ve lots of options.
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies in you when you are alive!
Wife: You need to learn to focus. Husband: Yes son, listen to your mother. Wife: I was talking to you. Husband: Oh I am sorry, can you repeat it please?
Life is not a problem to be solved but, a reality to be experienced.
A man is not finishedwhen he is defeated. He is finished when he QUITS. So never QUIT becausewinners never quitand quitters never Win.
Life is at its weakest When There’s more Doubt than trust But Life is at its strongest When you learn How to trust In spite of The doubts…
Commitment does not mean sticking to a person when you do not have any option, it means keeping a relation with someone even though you ve lots of options.
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies in you when you are alive!
Wife: You need to learn to focus. Husband: Yes son, listen to your mother. Wife: I was talking to you. Husband: Oh I am sorry, can you repeat it please?
Life is not a problem to be solved but, a reality to be experienced.
A man is not finishedwhen he is defeated. He is finished when he QUITS. So never QUIT becausewinners never quitand quitters never Win.
Life is at its weakest When There’s more Doubt than trust But Life is at its strongest When you learn How to trust In spite of The doubts…