Think of the possibilities

From Monday to Sunday, From January To December, From birth till my death, my feelings for you have never changed. For me, you have always been??? .. a headache !
My heart has a room and it’s empty. Do you want to move in?
No matter how strong a person I am… your presence and even absence always makes me weak!
Countless number of times, we touch our ‘Touch Phone’ in a day and feel happy. Try to touch someone’s ‘Heart’ once in a while and they will feel more happier. Good Morning!
Girls are like phones. We like to be held and talked too. But if you press the wrong button, You will be disconnected!
Once Upon a Time, Something happened to me. It was the sweetest thing that ever could be. It was a fantasy, a dream come true it was the day I met you.
From Monday to Sunday, From January To December, From birth till my death, my feelings for you have never changed. For me, you have always been??? .. a headache !
My heart has a room and it’s empty. Do you want to move in?
No matter how strong a person I am… your presence and even absence always makes me weak!
Countless number of times, we touch our ‘Touch Phone’ in a day and feel happy. Try to touch someone’s ‘Heart’ once in a while and they will feel more happier. Good Morning!
Girls are like phones. We like to be held and talked too. But if you press the wrong button, You will be disconnected!
Once Upon a Time, Something happened to me. It was the sweetest thing that ever could be. It was a fantasy, a dream come true it was the day I met you.
From Monday to Sunday, From January To December, From birth till my death, my feelings for you have never changed. For me, you have always been??? .. a headache !
My heart has a room and it’s empty. Do you want to move in?