Why do Friends keep

When it hurts to look back, and you are scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there
Magic Words For A Great Relationship Are, ‘ I Love You ‘ ‘ Just The Way You Are ‘
‘BLOOD’ and ‘FRIEND’ have only 1 difference, BLOOD enters heart and flows out. but FRIEND enters heart and stays forever.
At age 3 we started study with tear and at age 22 we will finish study with tears. 1st tear was water and second would be fear of missing dears forever.
There are many stars but the moon is YOU, There are many friends but the best is YOU To forget me thats up to you, To forget YOU I will never ever do.. !
Never Say Good Bye To Someone Who Loves You, Never Say Thanx Who Really Needs You, Never Blame A Person Who Really Trust You, Never Forget A Person Who Think You As Life.. !