Why they are called cell phones

There are some fools in this world who always reply no for every question we ask…. Now you tell me are you such a person ??
What makes some people dearest is NOT just the happiness that you feel when you meet them; but it’s the pain you feel when you miss them…
Two types of Chromosomes, cause martial problem… . . . Ex and Why!
An engineering student to his sweeper brother: I have got degree, I have got knowledge, I can sit in society. What do you have? Sweeper: I have the job.
I Knows That A Lot of People Hate Me, Because I am Bad.. But.. Few People Surely Love Me, Because They Know That My Little Goodness Is Not Fake.. !
Power of Mathematics One day a box wasn’t opening. Lawyer came, applied all laws but it didn’t open Chemist came, applied all reactions but it didn’t open Physician came, applied all forces but no change Even the biologist failed mathematician came & said . Let’s Suppose the Box is Open