May the most beautiful dream come

Lovely lines: Whenever you Miss someone, Look at the sky, Although you will not see the person there. But feel happy that you two are under the same sky!
Let the light of the day rise in your heart. Let the joy of the morning be seen in your smile. And God’s graces be your today and everyday. Good Morning!
You may think that I forgot you. You may think that I do not care, and you may think that I am not thinking of you. Well, you are wrong. You are still in my dreams. , goodnight
May God bless you with a serene sleep full of beautiful dreams! Good Night!
The sun has gone to sleep; The stars rule the skies. May the gentle breeze of the night whisper, sweet scripts to you and gently nudge your eyes to sleep. Good Night and Sweet Dreams!
Beautiful Message by Mother Teresa: ‘If you cannot love a person whom you see, then how can you love GOD whom you have never seen’
Lovely lines: Whenever you Miss someone, Look at the sky, Although you will not see the person there. But feel happy that you two are under the same sky!
Let the light of the day rise in your heart. Let the joy of the morning be seen in your smile. And God’s graces be your today and everyday. Good Morning!
You may think that I forgot you. You may think that I do not care, and you may think that I am not thinking of you. Well, you are wrong. You are still in my dreams. , goodnight
May God bless you with a serene sleep full of beautiful dreams! Good Night!
The sun has gone to sleep; The stars rule the skies. May the gentle breeze of the night whisper, sweet scripts to you and gently nudge your eyes to sleep. Good Night and Sweet Dreams!
Beautiful Message by Mother Teresa: ‘If you cannot love a person whom you see, then how can you love GOD whom you have never seen’
Lovely lines: Whenever you Miss someone, Look at the sky, Although you will not see the person there. But feel happy that you two are under the same sky!
Let the light of the day rise in your heart. Let the joy of the morning be seen in your smile. And God’s graces be your today and everyday. Good Morning!