Night is a dreamland of smile

Do you know that your smile takes 1000 people to death? Save the world… so please start teeth brushing regularly
Let the light of the day rise in your heart. Let the joy of the morning be seen in your smile. And God’s graces be your today and everyday. Good Morning!
I wish Moon always be full and bright; And you always be happy and light; Whenever you go to switch off the light; Remember that I am wishing you Good Night!
Always end the night with a positive thought. no matter how hard the day may have been, there is always a reason to be grateful. Let tomorrow be a fresh start. Good Night and Sweet Dreams!
I wish dreams were like wishes and wishes came true cause in my dreams im always with you!!
A wise physician said ‘The best medicine for human is LOVE’ Someone asked ‘What if it doesn’t work? ‘ He smiled and answered increase the DOSE
Do you know that your smile takes 1000 people to death? Save the world… so please start teeth brushing regularly
Let the light of the day rise in your heart. Let the joy of the morning be seen in your smile. And God’s graces be your today and everyday. Good Morning!
I wish Moon always be full and bright; And you always be happy and light; Whenever you go to switch off the light; Remember that I am wishing you Good Night!
Always end the night with a positive thought. no matter how hard the day may have been, there is always a reason to be grateful. Let tomorrow be a fresh start. Good Night and Sweet Dreams!
I wish dreams were like wishes and wishes came true cause in my dreams im always with you!!
A wise physician said ‘The best medicine for human is LOVE’ Someone asked ‘What if it doesn’t work? ‘ He smiled and answered increase the DOSE
Do you know that your smile takes 1000 people to death? Save the world… so please start teeth brushing regularly
Let the light of the day rise in your heart. Let the joy of the morning be seen in your smile. And God’s graces be your today and everyday. Good Morning!