Give credit to them who have tried to do it

Art of Living: -If life throws lemons at you, DON’T make a lemonade out of it. Rather…. Ask for tequila & salt. Think different… Think better!!
Let Us Not WorryAbout The FutureLet Us Only DoThe Right ThingToday, At This MomentHere & NowLet The Future Take Care Of Itself
Travel: As much as you can; As far as you can; And as long as you can. Life’s not meant to be lived in one place!
Today’s nature tomorrow’s future do not be the part of pollution be a part of Solution
Valuable time and lovable person are very precious in our life. Once we lose them, they never come back again. So dont make even a trail to lose them.
Life is a mixture of periods of joy and sorrows. Develop the courage to welcome both with equal zeal!
Art of Living: -If life throws lemons at you, DON’T make a lemonade out of it. Rather…. Ask for tequila & salt. Think different… Think better!!
Let Us Not WorryAbout The FutureLet Us Only DoThe Right ThingToday, At This MomentHere & NowLet The Future Take Care Of Itself
Travel: As much as you can; As far as you can; And as long as you can. Life’s not meant to be lived in one place!
Today’s nature tomorrow’s future do not be the part of pollution be a part of Solution
Valuable time and lovable person are very precious in our life. Once we lose them, they never come back again. So dont make even a trail to lose them.
Life is a mixture of periods of joy and sorrows. Develop the courage to welcome both with equal zeal!
Art of Living: -If life throws lemons at you, DON’T make a lemonade out of it. Rather…. Ask for tequila & salt. Think different… Think better!!
Let Us Not WorryAbout The FutureLet Us Only DoThe Right ThingToday, At This MomentHere & NowLet The Future Take Care Of Itself