The sun shines so big

I Give You A Kiss And Hold You Tight, To Go With My Words So Few, And Try To Express The Way I Feel, In A Different Way For You… I LOVE YOU.
Only God Knows How Much I Miss You, Only God Knows How Deep I Love You, Only God Knows How Much You Mean To Me. love is god&love is life.
I remember, I remember The roses, red and white, The violets, and the lily-cups, Those flowers made of light! The lilacs, where the robin built, And where my brother set The laburmum on his birthday, – The tree is living yet.
One tree can start a forest, One smile can start a friendship One touch can show love and care One person like you can make life worth living!
My Doors Will Be Always Open For Those Who Have Hurted Me. But May Be They Have Lost There Beautiful Position On Which They Have Once Ruled.
Life is very short, so break silly rules. Forgive quickly, Believe slowly, Love truly, Laugh loudly & Never avoid anything that makes you smile..
I Give You A Kiss And Hold You Tight, To Go With My Words So Few, And Try To Express The Way I Feel, In A Different Way For You… I LOVE YOU.
Only God Knows How Much I Miss You, Only God Knows How Deep I Love You, Only God Knows How Much You Mean To Me. love is god&love is life.
I remember, I remember The roses, red and white, The violets, and the lily-cups, Those flowers made of light! The lilacs, where the robin built, And where my brother set The laburmum on his birthday, – The tree is living yet.
One tree can start a forest, One smile can start a friendship One touch can show love and care One person like you can make life worth living!
My Doors Will Be Always Open For Those Who Have Hurted Me. But May Be They Have Lost There Beautiful Position On Which They Have Once Ruled.
Life is very short, so break silly rules. Forgive quickly, Believe slowly, Love truly, Laugh loudly & Never avoid anything that makes you smile..
I Give You A Kiss And Hold You Tight, To Go With My Words So Few, And Try To Express The Way I Feel, In A Different Way For You… I LOVE YOU.
Only God Knows How Much I Miss You, Only God Knows How Deep I Love You, Only God Knows How Much You Mean To Me. love is god&love is life.