An instant change in mood

Wife: I Have Changed My Mind. Husband: Thank God ! Does The New One Work Now?
One of the most sad part of life: It’s tough when someone special starts to ignore you; ‘ But its even tougher to pretend that you don’t mind!
‘Missing a Good Person in Life is Equal to Cheating the Life by yourself. So Never Miss Any Good Person At Any Cost till End of your Life’.. !
Some things are left undone, some words are left unsaid, some feelings are left unexpressed, but someone as sweet as you could never be left unmissed.
‘The heart that cares too much for others is always misunderstood. ‘ ‘The person who acts like caring others is always understood’. Sad but fact of life!
The rate of change of intensity of love of a girl towards a boy is directly proportional to the instantaneous bank balance of the boy and the direction of this love is same to as increment or decrement of the bank balance
Wife: I Have Changed My Mind. Husband: Thank God ! Does The New One Work Now?
One of the most sad part of life: It’s tough when someone special starts to ignore you; ‘ But its even tougher to pretend that you don’t mind!
‘Missing a Good Person in Life is Equal to Cheating the Life by yourself. So Never Miss Any Good Person At Any Cost till End of your Life’.. !
Some things are left undone, some words are left unsaid, some feelings are left unexpressed, but someone as sweet as you could never be left unmissed.
‘The heart that cares too much for others is always misunderstood. ‘ ‘The person who acts like caring others is always understood’. Sad but fact of life!
The rate of change of intensity of love of a girl towards a boy is directly proportional to the instantaneous bank balance of the boy and the direction of this love is same to as increment or decrement of the bank balance
Wife: I Have Changed My Mind. Husband: Thank God ! Does The New One Work Now?
One of the most sad part of life: It’s tough when someone special starts to ignore you; ‘ But its even tougher to pretend that you don’t mind!