It is easy to look
Do your feet never hurt???? … You are wondering around my thoughts all day long….
For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
Thought of the day: If you can’t convince her then… . . . just confuse her!
You have to Take the Good with the Bad, Smile with the Sad, Love what you have, And Remember What You Had. Always Forgive, But Never Forget. Learn From Your Mistakes, But Never Regret. People Change, Things Go Wrong, Just Remember Life Goes On. !
What’s an average 6 inch long Inside a guy’s pants and girls love to blow it up? ? ? ? ? A: 1000- rupee currency note. ! Always think positive
Always look at the clock when you are sitting idle; But never look at the clock when you are working!
Do your feet never hurt???? … You are wondering around my thoughts all day long….
For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
Thought of the day: If you can’t convince her then… . . . just confuse her!
You have to Take the Good with the Bad, Smile with the Sad, Love what you have, And Remember What You Had. Always Forgive, But Never Forget. Learn From Your Mistakes, But Never Regret. People Change, Things Go Wrong, Just Remember Life Goes On. !
What’s an average 6 inch long Inside a guy’s pants and girls love to blow it up? ? ? ? ? A: 1000- rupee currency note. ! Always think positive
Always look at the clock when you are sitting idle; But never look at the clock when you are working!
Do your feet never hurt???? … You are wondering around my thoughts all day long….
For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness.