Families with babies and without are sorry

No real English gentleman, in his secret soul, was ever sorry for the death of a political economist.
It takes a second to make a mistake, but a lifetime to try and forget it was your fault.
I am sorry you are wiser, I am sorry you are taller; I liked you better foolish and I liked you better smaller.
I am Sorry To Be Smiling Every Time You are Near, I am Sorry My Eyes Twinkle Whenever You’re Here, I am Sorry That Cupid Has Made His Hit, I am Sorry I Love You, I Can’t Help It.
A Feeling Of Shame And Embarrassment Has Gripped Me. The Mistake I Did Was Indeed Unintentional, And I Apologize To You About It. Please Forgive Me, I Shall Never Make Such Mistakes And Decisions In Life.
Grab a chance and you won”t be sorry for a might have been.
No real English gentleman, in his secret soul, was ever sorry for the death of a political economist.
It takes a second to make a mistake, but a lifetime to try and forget it was your fault.
I am sorry you are wiser, I am sorry you are taller; I liked you better foolish and I liked you better smaller.
I am Sorry To Be Smiling Every Time You are Near, I am Sorry My Eyes Twinkle Whenever You’re Here, I am Sorry That Cupid Has Made His Hit, I am Sorry I Love You, I Can’t Help It.
A Feeling Of Shame And Embarrassment Has Gripped Me. The Mistake I Did Was Indeed Unintentional, And I Apologize To You About It. Please Forgive Me, I Shall Never Make Such Mistakes And Decisions In Life.
Grab a chance and you won”t be sorry for a might have been.
No real English gentleman, in his secret soul, was ever sorry for the death of a political economist.
It takes a second to make a mistake, but a lifetime to try and forget it was your fault.