On a romantic day a girlfriend
On a romantic day a girlfriend asks from her boyfriend, ‘Darling on our engagement day will you give me a ring? ‘ Boy : ‘Ya sure, from landline or mobile? ‘.
On a romantic day a girlfriend asks from her boyfriend, ‘Darling on our engagement day will you give me a ring? ‘ Boy : ‘Ya sure, from landline or mobile? ‘.
You know a girl just broke up with her boyfriend when she starts putting a million quotes as her status!
FriEND, boyfriEND, girlfriEND, best friEND – they all have an End. Only Family has 3 letters that say – I Love You!
A stupid boyfriend thought ‘LOL’ meant ‘Lots of Love’. So he sent this text to his girlfriend, ‘ You are only girl of my life … LOL’.
‘Boyfriend’ and ‘Boy Friend’ you see the little space that is called the friend zone.