Small things that mean
Small things that mean a lot: Cute texts, tight hugs, long replies, holding hands, remembering the little things and kisses on the forehead. Missing you a lot, sweetheart!
Small things that mean a lot: Cute texts, tight hugs, long replies, holding hands, remembering the little things and kisses on the forehead. Missing you a lot, sweetheart!
Hold Me In Your Arms and Never Let Me Go. Kiss Me On My Lips But, So Sweet and Slow. Tell Me That You Love Me, But Only If It Is True. Now, Let Me Tell You Something. I am So In Love With You.
I wanna hold you close Under the rain I wanna kiss your smile And feel the pain I know what’s beautiful Looking at you In a world of lies You are the truth
The air we breath keep us alive, But if 1 day the air in this world become too limited for us. Do not worry cause I will be willing to hold my breath even for a million years just to see you alive.
When a man holds a woman’s hand before marriage, it is love after marriage it is self defense.
A SMILE on your FACE A Spring in your STEP A SONG in your HEART Joys to hold Dear Loved once to hold near Moments to cherish all through the year Wishing you a Birthday that is a true celebration of the Heart.
Friends are like blood. They have RBCs; That bring color to life. Platelets; That hold us when we are down. WBCs; which fight for us Thanks for being my Bloody Friend!
Love is when There are a million things you wanna say to someone but when they look you in eyes and hold you in arms nothing in life matters other than being with that person at the moment
May Everything Happy And Everything Bright Be Yours On Your Birthday From Morning Till Night. And Then Through The Year May The Same Thing Hold True So That Each Day Is Filled With Life’s Best Things For You!
Old friends are gold! New friends are diamonds! If you get diamonds, don’t forget gold. Because only gold can hold a diamond.