A good friend helps

May Be You don’t Have Powers Like God.. But Still You Control My Heart And Mind… May Be You Don’t Have Wings To Fly.. But You Are Still a Prince To Me.. May Be You Are Not Richest In World.. But Still You Rule My Heart With Your Smile Time Will Always Fly, But Our…
Seconds for Introduction, Minutes for discussion, Hours for attraction, Days for construction & years for relation of Friendship
I may lose something today I may get anything else tomorrow. But, I can never lose and ever get one thingand thats ‘YOU’So, be my friend forever!
Why do birds fall from the sky every time you walk by?
Memories are so Stupid… The Ordinary People Makes you Laugh and The Special People Always Make you Cry.. !! Still We Care for the Special Ones….
We gain and lose things every day. But trust me on one thing: You WILL NEVER LOSE ME! I will always be there as a friend