A Doctor and Engineer Love

Cute Romantic Lines Girl: Promise me you will ask me to marry you one day? Boy: Only on one condition. Girl: What? Boy: Promise me you will say Yes.. !
Where were you? I have been waiting for almost half an hour. . . . . . Said no girl ever!
After a Big Accident, A Man Was Crying : O God! I have Lost My Left Hand…
Every Tear is a sign of.. Cutting Onions.. !! Every silence is a sign of.. Zero balance.. !! Every smile is a sign of.. Daily Brushing.. !! Life is so simple.. Don’t make it complex with difficult explanations.. !!
Best way to purpose a girl. Take her to sea, Say her to sit in a boat. Then take the boat in the middle of sea. Then say Marry Me or Leave My Boat.
Of all the felt I ever felt, I never felt a piece of felt which felt as fine as that felt felt, when first I felt that felt hat’s felt.
Cute Romantic Lines Girl: Promise me you will ask me to marry you one day? Boy: Only on one condition. Girl: What? Boy: Promise me you will say Yes.. !
Where were you? I have been waiting for almost half an hour. . . . . . Said no girl ever!
After a Big Accident, A Man Was Crying : O God! I have Lost My Left Hand…
Every Tear is a sign of.. Cutting Onions.. !! Every silence is a sign of.. Zero balance.. !! Every smile is a sign of.. Daily Brushing.. !! Life is so simple.. Don’t make it complex with difficult explanations.. !!
Best way to purpose a girl. Take her to sea, Say her to sit in a boat. Then take the boat in the middle of sea. Then say Marry Me or Leave My Boat.
Of all the felt I ever felt, I never felt a piece of felt which felt as fine as that felt felt, when first I felt that felt hat’s felt.
Cute Romantic Lines Girl: Promise me you will ask me to marry you one day? Boy: Only on one condition. Girl: What? Boy: Promise me you will say Yes.. !
Where were you? I have been waiting for almost half an hour. . . . . . Said no girl ever!