Be Strong In Your Decisions

‘Persistence’ Is The Twin Sister Of ‘Excellence’ One Is A Matter Of Quality The Other A Matter Of Time…
Commitment does not mean sticking to a person when you do not have any option, it means keeping a relation with someone even though you ve lots of options.
When One Door Of Happiness Closes, Another Opens: But Often We Look So Long At The Closed Door That We Do Not See The One Which Has Opened For Us.
The Most Wasted Day In Life Is, The Day In Which We Have Not Laughed. -Charlie Chaplin.
Love means having to forgive even when it hurts, forgiveness is the key to happiness, its all about letting it go and not looking back. No one is complete, we all do mistakes. That is why forgive so you might be forgiven when you need it!
Life Is Full Of Problems. Problems Are Not Permanent But, Life Is Permanent So, Face The Problems With Confidence! Enjoy The Life.
‘Persistence’ Is The Twin Sister Of ‘Excellence’ One Is A Matter Of Quality The Other A Matter Of Time…
Commitment does not mean sticking to a person when you do not have any option, it means keeping a relation with someone even though you ve lots of options.
When One Door Of Happiness Closes, Another Opens: But Often We Look So Long At The Closed Door That We Do Not See The One Which Has Opened For Us.
The Most Wasted Day In Life Is, The Day In Which We Have Not Laughed. -Charlie Chaplin.
Love means having to forgive even when it hurts, forgiveness is the key to happiness, its all about letting it go and not looking back. No one is complete, we all do mistakes. That is why forgive so you might be forgiven when you need it!
Life Is Full Of Problems. Problems Are Not Permanent But, Life Is Permanent So, Face The Problems With Confidence! Enjoy The Life.
‘Persistence’ Is The Twin Sister Of ‘Excellence’ One Is A Matter Of Quality The Other A Matter Of Time…
Commitment does not mean sticking to a person when you do not have any option, it means keeping a relation with someone even though you ve lots of options.