Give credit to them who have tried to do it
Remember that…. No one in will understand you in life perfectly, Just give credit to them who have tried to do it..
Remember that…. No one in will understand you in life perfectly, Just give credit to them who have tried to do it..
When you have the opportunity, to get something valuable, Treasure it or you might loose it within a jiffy.
There are only two tragedies in life: One – not getting what one wants Second – getting it!
Life is great fun, untill you start expecting from it. Don’t do that, let the life surprise you & see the difference.
There were hundreds of YESTERDAYS that passed and more TOMORROWS still to come.. But remember, there’s only one TODAY to enjoy..
Life itself cannot give us happiness unless we rally wish for it. Life just give us time and space . Its up to , how we fill with great moments..
Not just survive live the life, Do not wait for the future, Future is uncertain live in the present.
Create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that simply looks good from the outside!
NO and YES are two short words which need A long thought… Most of the things we miss in life are because of saying NO toooo EARLY… AND YES toooo LATE…..
In life we meet a lot of people. But make friends with few, some touch our life in such a way, that their prsence is felt in their absnce too…