You just cannot compare marriage

What a married man says after years of marriage: – My marriage is made of Trust and Understanding, she does not Trust me and I dont Understand her.
Because you are someone very special Brother, It’s so nice to have this chance To wish you the best of everything A whole year in advance Happy Birthday Day!!
Love marriages are never success Cuz they never had a pain Marriages are made in heaven Thats true! Cuz i had failed.
Every new day is a new chance to shine, A new chance to reach the sky. So, I give you the new day, Today, the morning will give you the wings to fly.
Bride: Mu hubby is perfectly wonderful to me, mother. He gives me everything I ask for. Mother: That merely shows, my dear child, that you are not asking enough!
Thought of the day: Before marriage men love all the women on earth. And after marriage, one woman less!