Marriage is really tough sometimes

To all bachelor’s who are getting married, please remember, in marriage you can do anything… but not everything!
Wives Are Young Men’s Mistresses; Companions For Middle Age; And Old Men’s Nurses. Francis Bacon, ‘Of Marriage And Single Life, ‘
A man who surrenders when he’s WRONG, is HONEST. A man who surrenders when he’s NOT SURE, is WISE. A man who surrenders when he’s RIGHT, is a HUSBAND
I just assume I do everything wrong since I don’t have a wife to confirm it!
Hey Friends feeling bored want to play a puzzle game.. . . . Just throw your pc or mobile on the wall and start arranging its pieces… and enjoy..
Dealing with idiots, is like playing soccer. You can use your head, but a swift kick is usually more effective!
To all bachelor’s who are getting married, please remember, in marriage you can do anything… but not everything!
Wives Are Young Men’s Mistresses; Companions For Middle Age; And Old Men’s Nurses. Francis Bacon, ‘Of Marriage And Single Life, ‘
A man who surrenders when he’s WRONG, is HONEST. A man who surrenders when he’s NOT SURE, is WISE. A man who surrenders when he’s RIGHT, is a HUSBAND
I just assume I do everything wrong since I don’t have a wife to confirm it!
Hey Friends feeling bored want to play a puzzle game.. . . . Just throw your pc or mobile on the wall and start arranging its pieces… and enjoy..
Dealing with idiots, is like playing soccer. You can use your head, but a swift kick is usually more effective!
To all bachelor’s who are getting married, please remember, in marriage you can do anything… but not everything!
Wives Are Young Men’s Mistresses; Companions For Middle Age; And Old Men’s Nurses. Francis Bacon, ‘Of Marriage And Single Life, ‘