I miss you doesnt always mean

Every sunset gives us one day less to live! But every sunrise give us one more day of hope. So always hope for the best. Good day and good luck!
Will you smile if I ask you to? Will you come if I call you? Will you understand if I am unable to express? Will you add a ‘Too’ if I say I Miss you?
A cup of a very hot hellos, a plate of a nice crispy wishes, a spoon of sweet smiles & a slice of awesome success. Hope this breakfast makes your day lovely. Have a nice day.
Knowledge is like a deep well fed by perennial springs and your mind is like a little bucket that you drop into it you will get as much as you can assimilate
When I text you, that means I miss you. When I don’t text, that just means I am waiting for you to miss me!
Sometimes, my mind asks. Why I miss you? Why I care for you? Why I remember you? Why I text you? Then my heart answered, Mongoloids need more care!
Every sunset gives us one day less to live! But every sunrise give us one more day of hope. So always hope for the best. Good day and good luck!
Will you smile if I ask you to? Will you come if I call you? Will you understand if I am unable to express? Will you add a ‘Too’ if I say I Miss you?
A cup of a very hot hellos, a plate of a nice crispy wishes, a spoon of sweet smiles & a slice of awesome success. Hope this breakfast makes your day lovely. Have a nice day.
Knowledge is like a deep well fed by perennial springs and your mind is like a little bucket that you drop into it you will get as much as you can assimilate
When I text you, that means I miss you. When I don’t text, that just means I am waiting for you to miss me!
Sometimes, my mind asks. Why I miss you? Why I care for you? Why I remember you? Why I text you? Then my heart answered, Mongoloids need more care!
Every sunset gives us one day less to live! But every sunrise give us one more day of hope. So always hope for the best. Good day and good luck!
Will you smile if I ask you to? Will you come if I call you? Will you understand if I am unable to express? Will you add a ‘Too’ if I say I Miss you?