Normally swing underneath them
Boss: Employees like that do not grow on trees you know… You: How true Sir, they normally swing underneath them…
Boss: Employees like that do not grow on trees you know… You: How true Sir, they normally swing underneath them…
In this world, everybody makes mistakes… but only mother-in-law, wife and boss have a God-gifted talent of finding them!
A Secretary came angrily out of boss cabin colleague asked: What happened? She replied: He asked me are you free tonight? I said-yes & bastard give me 50 pages of work.
My wife is a boss but I always have a final word… . . . . Yes, Ma’am!
Telling a lie is a sin for a child, fault for an adult , an art for a lover, a profession for a lawyer, a requirement for a politician, management for a boss, an accomplishment for a bachelor, an excuse for a subordinate and . a Matter of Survival for a married man.