Save it forever
Relationship is just like water. No Size No Shape No Place No Taste But it’s essential for life. So save it forever.
Relationship is just like water. No Size No Shape No Place No Taste But it’s essential for life. So save it forever.
Teacher: What shape is the earth? Student: I do not know. Teacher: Well! What kind of earrings does your girlfriend wear? Student: Square ones. Teacher: No, I mean the ones she wear on Sunday. Student: Round Teacher: Then, What shape is the earth? Student: Square on weekdays and round on Sundays.
Stupidity comes in all shapes and sizes. Some of them even look like people!
sis your friendship helps me stay in shape, in many ways really thanks for being my friend
We picture love as heart-shaped because we do not know the shape of the soul.
I lie on the ground, and stare in2 space, the stars start to move, into the shape of your face.
Thought of the day: If you are trying to know your wife then please stop struggling to solve a jigsaw puzzle whose pieces keep on changing shapes every minute!
Red or white short or tall wrapped in silver not wrapped at all under covers inside a box shapes & sizes love comes in lots.