What happened to Google

A Doctor and Engineer Love Tha Same Girl. Dr. Used to Give her a Rose But Engg. Used to Give her Apple Daily. One day, Doctor Asks Why?? Engg: ‘An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away’.. !! Doctor Shocked , Engg. Rocks!!!
Wife: I Have Changed My Mind. Husband: Thank God ! Does The New One Work Now?
A foreigner had very spicy Indian dinner. Next morning he came out of the toilet & said, now i understand Why indian use water. Tissue Can catch fire?
Who walks with us through the difficult part of life? Mom Dad? No! Husband Wife? No! Friends? No! One and only our slippers!!!! So keep them safe
Commerce professor asks the student: what is the most important source of finance for starting business? Student: ‘Father in law’.
How does a cow wish you merry chrismas….. A: MOORY CHRISMAS
A Doctor and Engineer Love Tha Same Girl. Dr. Used to Give her a Rose But Engg. Used to Give her Apple Daily. One day, Doctor Asks Why?? Engg: ‘An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away’.. !! Doctor Shocked , Engg. Rocks!!!
Wife: I Have Changed My Mind. Husband: Thank God ! Does The New One Work Now?
A foreigner had very spicy Indian dinner. Next morning he came out of the toilet & said, now i understand Why indian use water. Tissue Can catch fire?
Who walks with us through the difficult part of life? Mom Dad? No! Husband Wife? No! Friends? No! One and only our slippers!!!! So keep them safe
Commerce professor asks the student: what is the most important source of finance for starting business? Student: ‘Father in law’.
How does a cow wish you merry chrismas….. A: MOORY CHRISMAS
A Doctor and Engineer Love Tha Same Girl. Dr. Used to Give her a Rose But Engg. Used to Give her Apple Daily. One day, Doctor Asks Why?? Engg: ‘An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away’.. !! Doctor Shocked , Engg. Rocks!!!
Wife: I Have Changed My Mind. Husband: Thank God ! Does The New One Work Now?