An ideal day should begin

Wrap a rainbow of joy in you heart, Let the sun paint a smile on your face, Remove all clouds of doubt and fear And receive God’s gift of life. Good Morning!
Keep your attitude like a king and Ego like a Slave; and build your dynasty of happiness and success. Good Morning!
Whenever I Miss You, I Wont Look For You In My Dreams Or Try To Hear Your Voice In Your Messages. I Just Put My Right Hand Across My Chest And I Feel You…
Welcome the new morning with smile on your face, love in your heart and good thoughts in your mind and you will have a wonderful day. Good morning!
God planted a seed of faith in our hearts. So all we have to do is water it with prayers. Fertilize it with word’s of good and cultivate it with lots of love. Good Morning!
Mistakes increase your experience and experiences decrease your mistakes. If you learn from your mistakes then others learn from your success. Good Morning!
Wrap a rainbow of joy in you heart, Let the sun paint a smile on your face, Remove all clouds of doubt and fear And receive God’s gift of life. Good Morning!
Keep your attitude like a king and Ego like a Slave; and build your dynasty of happiness and success. Good Morning!
Whenever I Miss You, I Wont Look For You In My Dreams Or Try To Hear Your Voice In Your Messages. I Just Put My Right Hand Across My Chest And I Feel You…
Welcome the new morning with smile on your face, love in your heart and good thoughts in your mind and you will have a wonderful day. Good morning!
God planted a seed of faith in our hearts. So all we have to do is water it with prayers. Fertilize it with word’s of good and cultivate it with lots of love. Good Morning!
Mistakes increase your experience and experiences decrease your mistakes. If you learn from your mistakes then others learn from your success. Good Morning!
Wrap a rainbow of joy in you heart, Let the sun paint a smile on your face, Remove all clouds of doubt and fear And receive God’s gift of life. Good Morning!
Keep your attitude like a king and Ego like a Slave; and build your dynasty of happiness and success. Good Morning!