Ladies first

Krishna was not a Hindu. Buddha was not a Buddhist. Jesus was not a Christian. Muhammad was not a Muslim. Guru Nanak was not a Sikh. They were all teachers who taught Love; and Love was their religion!
A typical student flips a coin and think. If Head- will go to sleep. If Tail- will watch a move. If Stands- will listen music. If Stays in air- will study
Different Phases of a man: After engagement: Superman After Marriage: Gentleman After 10 years: Watchman After 20 years: Doberman
Boy1: Yesterday I was too drunk to drive home. Boy2: So what did you do? Boy1: I drove to another party!
Husband & wife are like liver and kidney. Husband is liver & wife is kidney. If liver fails, kidney fails. If kidney fails, liver manages with other kidney.
A girl was sitting on a park bench. Beggar: Hi sweetheart. Girl: How dare you call me sweetheart? Beggar: Then what the hell are you doing on my bed?