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Suggestion to all girls, always marry a man your age. As your beauty fades, so will his eyesight!
A girl was sitting on a park bench. Beggar: Hi sweetheart. Girl: How dare you call me sweetheart? Beggar: Then what the hell are you doing on my bed?
When Words Are Not Enough To Express Your Feelings Dont Think That You Are In Love. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. It Means That You Need To Improve Your Vocabulary :
Maths sir: What is a ‘line’? . . . . . A genius answered: A line is a dot, Going for a walk.
Power of Mathematics One day a box wasn’t opening. Lawyer came, applied all laws but it didn’t open Chemist came, applied all reactions but it didn’t open Physician came, applied all forces but no change Even the biologist failed mathematician came & said . Let’s Suppose the Box is Open
Best slogan seen On a famous beauty parlour… ‘Dont whistle at the girl going out from here… she might be your Grandmother… !!