Problems begin with MEN

A beautiful girl goes to Professor cabin and say that i will do anything to pass in the exams and professor says NOW OPEN YOUR . . . Books And Study
Life Is Full Of Problems. Problems Are Not Permanent But, Life Is Permanent So, Face The Problems With Confidence! Enjoy The Life.
1 day as I came home early from work, I saw a guy jogging naked. I said to the guy, ‘Hey buddy, why are you doing that? ‘ He said, ‘Because you came home early. ‘
A blowjob is the only job in the world that can’t be included in your resume despite years of experience and a number of refrences!
The irony of a blow job is that even if you have her at your feet she’s got you by the balls.
Remember!! Work For A Cause Not For Applause Live Life To Express Not To Impress Do not Strive To Make our Presence Noticed Just Make Your Absence Felt…
A beautiful girl goes to Professor cabin and say that i will do anything to pass in the exams and professor says NOW OPEN YOUR . . . Books And Study
Life Is Full Of Problems. Problems Are Not Permanent But, Life Is Permanent So, Face The Problems With Confidence! Enjoy The Life.
1 day as I came home early from work, I saw a guy jogging naked. I said to the guy, ‘Hey buddy, why are you doing that? ‘ He said, ‘Because you came home early. ‘
A blowjob is the only job in the world that can’t be included in your resume despite years of experience and a number of refrences!
The irony of a blow job is that even if you have her at your feet she’s got you by the balls.
Remember!! Work For A Cause Not For Applause Live Life To Express Not To Impress Do not Strive To Make our Presence Noticed Just Make Your Absence Felt…
A beautiful girl goes to Professor cabin and say that i will do anything to pass in the exams and professor says NOW OPEN YOUR . . . Books And Study
Life Is Full Of Problems. Problems Are Not Permanent But, Life Is Permanent So, Face The Problems With Confidence! Enjoy The Life.