Hitler said funny

Cute Romantic Lines Girl: Promise me you will ask me to marry you one day? Boy: Only on one condition. Girl: What? Boy: Promise me you will say Yes.. !
On a romantic day a girlfriend asks from her boyfriend, ‘Darling on our engagement day will you give me a ring? ‘ Boy : ‘Ya sure, from landline or mobile? ‘.
Father to son: whenever i beat you, you dont get annoyed, how you control your anger? son: i start cleaning the toilet seat with your toothbrush
A Real Boy Knows How To Value A Relationship. No Matter How Many Girls Come, He Doesn’t Care. Because For Him, His Girl Is the Best.. !
I am So Glad That God Gave Me a Son like You. I am So Proud to Have You as a Son. I See A Little More of Me in You with Each Passing Year. No Matter How Many Birthdays Come and Go, You will Always Be My Little Boy. Happy Birthday Son.
A stupid boyfriend thought ‘LOL’ meant ‘Lots of Love’. So he sent this text to his girlfriend, ‘ You are only girl of my life … LOL’.
Cute Romantic Lines Girl: Promise me you will ask me to marry you one day? Boy: Only on one condition. Girl: What? Boy: Promise me you will say Yes.. !
On a romantic day a girlfriend asks from her boyfriend, ‘Darling on our engagement day will you give me a ring? ‘ Boy : ‘Ya sure, from landline or mobile? ‘.
Father to son: whenever i beat you, you dont get annoyed, how you control your anger? son: i start cleaning the toilet seat with your toothbrush
A Real Boy Knows How To Value A Relationship. No Matter How Many Girls Come, He Doesn’t Care. Because For Him, His Girl Is the Best.. !
I am So Glad That God Gave Me a Son like You. I am So Proud to Have You as a Son. I See A Little More of Me in You with Each Passing Year. No Matter How Many Birthdays Come and Go, You will Always Be My Little Boy. Happy Birthday Son.
A stupid boyfriend thought ‘LOL’ meant ‘Lots of Love’. So he sent this text to his girlfriend, ‘ You are only girl of my life … LOL’.
Cute Romantic Lines Girl: Promise me you will ask me to marry you one day? Boy: Only on one condition. Girl: What? Boy: Promise me you will say Yes.. !
On a romantic day a girlfriend asks from her boyfriend, ‘Darling on our engagement day will you give me a ring? ‘ Boy : ‘Ya sure, from landline or mobile? ‘.